Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Fourteen and Food list

Had a brilliant Sunday, went for an hour run this morning along the sea front, nice weather and fresh air certainly makes it easier, but my energy levels were brilliant, usually after 40 - 45 minutes, I'm fed up running, but not today.
Looking forward to this energy surge continuing as my body starts to function even more effectively, those detox headaches seem well worth the result now.

Had a few people mention, 'what do you eat' there is nothing left to eat ?!?' 
So, I found the list below, on and found it simple, but very useful all the foods in GREEN can be eaten in unlimited numbers,  foods in ORANGE can be eaten, but not in large quantities or too often, foods in RED you should avoid.

Hope this helps anyone, struggling with getting plenty variety in their diet.


Artichoke Arugula Asparagus Bamboo shoots Beet greens Bok choy Broccoli Brussel sprouts Burdock root Cabbage Carrots~ raw(organic) Cauliflower
Celeriac Celery (organic) Chives Collard greens Chard Cucumber Dandelion greens Endive Escarole Fennel Garlic Jicama Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuces Mustard greens Okra Onions (organic) Parsley Radishes Rutabaga Scallions Shallots Spaghetti squash Spinach (organic) Sprouts (mould-free) Shiitake mushrooms~fresh (cooked) Swiss chard Turnips Watercress Yellow Squash (low starch) Zucchini

(if tolerated, use in rotation) Avocado Lemons or Limes (organic) Cranberries (sugar & sulphite-free) Rhubarb
Stevia extract-solvent& additive-free Chicolin natural chicory extract Vegetable Glycerine (GMO free & coconut/palm or beet sourced) Yacon syrup

Purified water Lemon or lime water Kolorex Tea (anti-fungal) Pau D’Arco tea (anti-fungal) Roobios tea (anti-oxidant) all natural herbal teas –(high quality or fresh to reduce risk of mold contamination) Sparkling water/soda water Fresh non-sweet veggie juices Diluted 100% lemon or cranberry Juice – can be diluted with water or sparkling water and sweetened with stevia. Nut Milks sweetened w/stevia chicolin

Nuts & Seeds (soaked or sprouted) (Ideally purchase refrigerated from
store with high turnover) Almonds -raw Brazil nuts Filberts

Organic Meat, Fish & Eggs
Antelope Beef Buffalo Chicken Cornish hen Duck Goose Game birds Lamb Rabbit
Veal Venison Other natural meats Chicken eggs: (Organic. Caution- eggs can be allergenic ,use in rotation if tolerated) Goose, Pheasant, Turkey eggs (organic)

(caution- fish is a source of mercury & other toxins, use sparingly, 2 or less servings/week) All organically farmed fish Oily (high EFA) Fish Include: herring, kippers, pilchards, sardines, sprats, trout (not farmed), whitebait, anchovies, carp (farmed) and mussels. Non oily (low EFA): striped farmed bass, white bass, pacific cod, Dover sole, Alaskan and pacific halibut, red mullet, cold-water prawns, tilapia and turbot. (For a more complete list and to regularly check for up to date health & ecological information:
Macadamia nuts Pine nuts Seeds: Pumpkin Sesame Sunflower Hemp seeds- (shelled)

Nut & Seed Butters (raw) (Use sparingly to avoid excess
Pumpkin seed Sesame (tahini) Sunflower

Fats & Oils
Flax (for raw consumption only) Pumpkin Hemp Sesame
Best oils for cooking: Coconut

Legumes (soaked &/or sprouted) Aduki beans
Black beans Black eyed peas Brown lentils Chick peas Green beans (organic) Green lentils Kidney beans Lupini beans Mung beans Navy beans Snow peas String beans
(allergenic, use only in rotation and only if tolerated) Bell peppers Cayenne
Chili pepper Eggplant Ground Cherry Pepino Paprika Pimento Tomato Tomatillo
Starchy Legumes
(use in moderation) Pinto Romano Black eyed peas Great Northern beans

Brine soaked pickles or olives Water from young raw organic coconut
mucous production) Almond Macadamia Hemp nut
(For detailed information see Diet FAQ on Fats & Oils) High quality, cold-pressed oils stored in dark container (most need refrigeration)
Extra virgin olive (store in cool place)
Ghee Organic coconut butter Organic palm oil Olive oil

Organic fresh herbs. Dried fresh spices (less than 6 mos. old) Keep dry to prevent mold growth.

Meat, Fish & Eggs
Pork (as tolerated - only uncured un-smoked and un-sweetened)
Grains & Seeds (Types 1, 2, 3, 4) Type - 1 Gluten Free Low Glycemic Grains or Seeds
Type -2
Gluten Free, High Glycemic Grains or Seeds -use sparingly Millet All Rice (White rice is low in nutrients and fiber- use sparingly and eat with fibrous veggies)
Type- 3
also known as ‘Bonus Limits’ Gluten Free, Low Glycemic, High- Protein Grains/Seeds Amaranth Quinoa Wild rice Teff
Glutenous Whole Grains- Use cautiously, in Stage Three of diet only (if tolerated) Barley
Sweet potato (organic) Cassava Carrots cooked (organic) Parsnips
Raw Fruits, (raw)
(For cautious use in Stage Two and Three of diet only if tolerated) Apples (organic) Apricot
Blueberry Grapefruit (organic) Peach (organic) Pears Pineapple Plums Strawberries (organic) Raspberries (organic)
Carob Food grade vegetable glycerin (can be Allergenic, especially if corn sourced)
Potato Beets Pumpkin Starchy squash (all but Spaghetti or yellow squash which are OK foods)
Fava beans Peas Red lentils Lima Beans
(do not need to count as limits) Carrot and beet juices (1/4 cup servings)
Potential Allergens
Do not need to count as limits, except corn and potatoes. Use only organic. Use rarely (not more than 1 or 2 times per week) and only if cravings or symptoms are not triggered. Goat or sheep cheese Goat or sheep yogurt Goat or sheep kefir Corn (counts as limit) Non GMO soy Potatoes – white, yellow, red (counts as limit) Organic Cow Kefir Organic Coconut (soaked Organic unsulfured whole coconut milk
NOTE: It’s recommended that all foods be organic and non GMO (genetically modified). For those marked organic, this is particularly important.
(Use with careful observation if tolerated. Fermentation can cause reactions.) Lactic acid fermented sauerkraut Lactic acid fermented veggies
Type- 4
3 year aged miso 3 year aged tamari (organic) Apple Cider Vinegar Black pepper Mayonnaise (organic) Organic cocoa (if well tolerated – can take Yellow Sun Ultra-Pure Cal/Mag with cocoa to counteract acidity)
Kamut Oats Rye Spelt Whole grain pasta from any of the above grains


Pickled with white vinegar
Fruit juices Soda pop Alcoholic beverages Coffee Black Tea
Meat, Fish & Eggs
Artificial sweeteners Barley malt Brown sugar Corn syrup Granulated & powdered sugar Date sugar
Yeast including: Bakers yeast Brewers yeast Nutritional yeast Yeast-leavened bakery products Yeast containing vitamins (look for those labeled “yeast free”) Caffeine
Smoked & processed meats: Smoked fish Pickled meat Smoked or cured meat Sausage
Dextrose Fructose Glucose Maple syrup Mannitol Molasses Monosaccharides Sorbitol Sucralose Sucrose Turbinado sugar Xylitol
Edible fungi White vinegar Mustard Ketchup Worcestershire BBQ sauce Mayonnaise Maltodextrin Refined, cooked, hydrogenated, fractionated or superheated vegetable oils (see Healthy Fats and Oils FAW in Diet Section of WholeApproach Support Forum)
Hot dogs Corned beef Pastrami Ham
‘Better Quality’
Organic Sweeteners
Fruit Sugars Honey Maple syrup Organic agave syrup Organic cane sugar Organic molasses Rice syrup
Nut & Seed Butters
Peanut butter
Nuts & Seeds
Peanuts Roasted, salted nuts Pistachios Pecans Walnuts Cashews
Dried or candied fruits Bananas Figs Grapes
Grains & Seeds
Wheat Cous Cous Bulgar Wheat Semolina Wheat Durham Wheat
Butter Milk Cream Cow yogurt Cow kefir Ice cream Sour cream Whipped cream Cow cheeses
Mango Papaya
Additional comments: Mold grows in leftover food unless it is properly refrigerated. Use well sealed glass containers appropriately sized and don’t keep for more than one extra day. Freezing leftovers is best.
Avoid hidden sugars in foods. Read Labels! Often, there are hidden sugars in: baking mixes, ketchup, salad dressings, pickles, luncheon meats, breads, dips, peanut butter, prepared seafood, frozen vegetables, crackers, tartar sauce, soups and sweetened yogurt. Ingredients that end in the letters “ose” are typically sugars.
Soaking and sprouting, seeds, grains and beans make them easier to digest, and, in the case of beans (which are usually cooked after), makes them cook faster.

Craig :-)

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