Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Twenty Four and Nutritional Myths

Sure your, getting a bit fed up with me telling you how good I'm feeling !

So making it easy for myself again, by posting this article on nutritional myths, this  article is from James White, one of Dax Moy's Level 2 coaches.

Nutritional Myths

The confusing subject of nutrition has produced many nutrition myths that not only make a lot of people wrong but will actually be causing them harm when they are trying to be healthy. This could also stop you achieving fat loss. I have picked a few of the most common and put them straight.
Myth: Fat loss is as simple as burning more calories in a day than you eat.
Truth: If your total calorie expenditure is 2000 calories in a day. What do you think would be better for achieving fat loss? 2010 calories of healthy, nutritious, natural foods or 1990 calories of sugary, processed, toxic junk food? Of course it would be the 2010 calorie diet.
Myth: Heart disease is caused by consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products.
Truth: From around 1920-1960 there was a rapid increase in heart disease, also around this time the consumption of animal fats declined but the consumption of hydrogenated and industrially processed vegetable fats increased dramatically. This completely goes against the idea that animal products actually cause heart disease.
Myth: Brown grain products are whole grain products.
Truth: Brown dyes and additives can give foods the deceiving appearance of whole grain.
Myth: Eating eggs will raise your cholesterol.
Truth: Eggs are one of the best foods you can eat. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, high quality protein, natural fats and yes they have cholesterol in them but you will learn by reading further on that cholesterol is not our enemy.
Myth: Alcohol is good for us.
Truth: We were not designed to drink alcohol. Anyone who says alcoholic beverages of any kind are good for you is seriously misinformed. If there were any benefit from drinking alcoholic beverages it would not be the alcohol but the grapes or source material it was made from and nothing else. Red wine contains a very powerful antioxidant called reservatrol which means that in moderation red wine can give ‘some’ benefits. There was some nutrition in beer fifty years ago but today even the best beer hops are grown on the poorest soils assuring minimal nutrition al value. Plus there are many chemical agents added.
Myth: Vegetarianism is healthy.
Truth: The annul all cause death rate of vegetarian men is slightly more than that of non vegetarian men (.93% vs .89%); the annual death rate of vegetarian women is significantly more than that of non vegetarian women (.86% vs .54%). These figures taken from Wise Traditions 2000 1:4:16-17 and clearly show that people who live on a meat eating diet are more likely to live longer.
Myth: Children benefit from a low fat diet.
Truth: The common diet that most of our children are on which is a low fat diets often suffer from growth problems, failure to thrive and learning disabilities. When comparing this to the children who eat ample fats and fat soluble vitamins in their diet there is a clear difference between their ability to learn and thrive.
Myth: The modern diet does not have enough essential fatty acids in (omega 3 and omega 6).
Truth: The modern diet has far too much of the omega 6 essential fatty acids mostly found in vegetable oils but not enough omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish, fish oils, eggs from properly fed chickens, dark green vegetables, walnuts, flax seeds etc. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 should be around 1;1 or 1:4 max. Modern diets are closer to 1:20+!
Myth: Saturated fat clogs arteries.
Truth: The fatty acids found in artery clogs are mostly unsaturated (74%) of which 41% are polyunsaturated. This clogging often occurs in most people due to diets that are far too high in sugar or vegetable fats that oxidize and then the artery walls becoming inflamed which causes the fats and cholesterol to become stuck in the wall.
Myth: Skimmed milk is better for us and will help fat loss.
Truth: Skimmed milk has oxidised cholesterol in which causes heart disease. It also has less fat soluble vitamins and has been shown to make people put on more fat than whole milk. The best and probably the only kind of milk you should drink is unpasteurised, unhomogenised milk from pasture fed cows.
Myth: Fruit juice is good for you.
Truth: Fruit juice is just sugar water and will make you put on fat and promote a number of illnesses.
Myth: Eating fats makes you fat.
Truth: If you don’t eat any fat then you die! If you eat very little fats then your body holds on to the fats you do eat as storage. Also you will not be getting your fat soluble vitamins which allow you to digest protein, minerals and water soluble vitamins.
James White

James is a level 2 coach at the Dax Moy Personal Training Studios, Islington.

Craig :-)

1 comment:

  1. I believe that sometimes, there are truths to some health myths we often hear. It's still important to ask your doctor about them. Always stay healthy and strong; check Supplements Canada to find more effective and safe supplements.
