Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's back on !

Hey Everyone

I'm back, bigger (not in a good way, ha ha) and hopefully better than before !

I've decided, after a very long festive period of, little exercise, bad eating and a few beers, that I need to get back healthy and back into my clothes (no, I've not been naked for all that time, some are just a bit tight)!

So, the quickest, healthiest way I know to, lose bodyfat, gain energy and health is to follow the principles of Dax's Elimination Diet - download it FREE here
120 pages of amazing information, on foods, diets, why certain foods are banned or allowed, even if you are not going to join me on this, it's a must read. and FREE

Although 'elimination Diet' sounds a bit severe to some, it's basically, eating clean, healthy, natural foods, we were designed to eat and cutting out all, non food, foods as it were
So I will be cutting out
Processed food

I will be posting more on the reasons for each of these, in the coming weeks.
There will be no pints to add up, no calorie counting either, just eating as much as I want from the vast choice of foods available to me.

I have decided Monday 28th January (next Monday) will be my start date, which makes this week, preparation week, which in my eyes is as important as actually following the ED (Elimination Diet) Principles.

The days leading up to my start date are crucial, in the success of my change of habits, that's all my bad diet is, a habit, I have got into, its as easy to keep a good habit as it is a bad habit, that's what you need to believe.

So this week, for me, will be about focusing my head, that I'm going to start. Mindset, will help me through the first week, especially, after that habit will keep me going.

Also this week, I will get rid of all the bad foods, temptations, in my household cupboards etc, if it's not there I can't eat it.

I will also be making changes to my diet, cutting out a lot of the things, I will be eliminating anyway, but without the pressure of 'having' to do it and not beating myself up, if I slip this week.

This preparation work, is something a lot of people, don't consider, when changing nutritional, or any other lifestyle habits and then fail at their attempts to change, just through unexpected or unprepared for circumstances.

Later on this week, I will also post, my 'before' photos and measurements etc, which believe me, I really don't want to do, but again, it will help me stick to my plan.

I am hoping a few people will join me on this journey and I will be on hand to help anyone, that wants to join me.
Whether that be publicly or privately, just let me know, some find the accountability of  standing up and telling people what your doing, a great incentive, others a burden.

So I look forward to you following me on my journey, whether, just by reading this blog or changing your own eating habits.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Craig :-)

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