Especially for those that may of went out this weekend !!
An excellent article from Dax's Elimination Diet Challenge website, wanted to do a post on the liver, but this is everything I wanted to say and a little bit more probably.
Liver Stress – Why The Elimination Diet Is Necesary
An excellent article from Dax's Elimination Diet Challenge website, wanted to do a post on the liver, but this is everything I wanted to say and a little bit more probably.
Liver Stress – Why The Elimination Diet Is Necesary
The Liver is one of the largest organs in the body and located in the upper right quadrant of you ‘belly’, under the ribs. The Liver literally is the key to everything that we do as it is responsible for functions vital to our lives.
These functions primarily include:
- The processing of nutrients from our food
- The production of bile – a thick green-yellow fluid that the Liver uses to help digest foods, especially fats. Bile salts are responsible for the elimination of cholesterol. Also if Bile is not performing as it should the whole digestive system is thrown off!
- The removal of toxins from the body/detoxification of the blood
- Lipogenesis (break down of fats for energy),
- Creation of coagulation factors, production of sex hormone binding globulins (used to ‘soak’ up excess/’free’ sex hormones, usually around 97%)
- To build proteins. By synthesis of Amino Acids into Proteins
- Storage of glycogen, Vitamin A, D, B12, Iron and Copper
So it’s easy to see how any disruption to the Liver can have a massive impact on how well we function and lead to poor health. If the Liver is stressed/overly taxed then our ability to produce force and function is greatly affected. As well as our bodies ability to use the nutrients from the food we eat, remove toxins, repair, recover and regenerate.
Our ability to produce energy is greatly effected by Liver function.
Food that we eat is only valuable to us to the degree of how healthy our Liver are, producing bile to breakdown our food into the correct form for our villi in the intestines to absorb and use within the body.
Signs of poor Liver health include:
- Abnormal metabolism of fats: High cholesterol, lipomas, excessive weight gain, inability to lose weight even when dieting. Sluggish metabolism, Pot Belly, Cellulite and roll of fat around upper abdomen.
- Digestive Problems: Indigestion, haemorrhoids, abdominal bloating, intolerance to alcohol, flatulence, constipation, IBS, sugar cravings, passing stools less than 2 times a day, pale or yellow stool. (Bile is a natural laxative so reduced bowel movements are a sign of Liver stress/toxicity)
- Nervous System Problems: depression, mood changes especially anger and irritability (usually due to excess ‘free’ sex hormones), poor concentration, body ‘overheating’ especially face and torso
- Immune System Problems: Allergies, food and chemical sensitivities, skin rashes and inflammations, chronic fatigue, recurrent viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.
- External Signs: Coated tongue, bad breath, itchy skin, excessive sweating, offensive body odour, dark urine, dark circles under eyes, itchy ears/regular ear infections, excessive nasal mucus, acne, brown spots on skin (Liver spots), flushed facial appearance, rapid intoxification with alcohol, heavy and persistent ‘hangover’, easy bruising, PMS/Heavy periods.
- Pain: Joint aches and pains, regular headaches and migraines, shortness of breath, regular use of painkillers
- Energy Problems: Trouble waking up and getting started in the morning, need for stimulants such as coffee/tea, sweet tooth/need for sugar, regular drops in energy especially after eating.
These signs are also the first ones people experience when detoxifying. This is due to the increased toxic burden as the body releases the stored or backed up toxins.
Very important to note that if these ‘free’ sex hormones can lead to some serious problems. For example, Estrogen supports/encourages growth within the body and Estrogen sensitive tissues are prone to ‘overgrowth’ if the excess Estrogen is not moped up. More Estrogen means a heavier uterus lining which not only means heavier periods but can also lead to fibroids and tumours. As well as cysts and tumours in Ovaries and breasts. This is the reason why those with cancers and tumours are given anti-estrogenic medication. In these instances will need to supplement with lots of B-Vitamins.
Also to avoid non-organic milk, as it is the greatest source of Insulin Growth Factor1 (IGF1) which increases the rate of growth and cell division in tumours.
The Liver is also our bodies highest producer of Serotonin (our ‘feel good’ hormone) so naturally if our Liver isn’t functioning well then we won’t feel good
Way to Fix the Liver
Follow The 3 R’s: Remove, Replenish + Reinforce
Remove all known metabolic ‘insults’ to the liver which basically come from what you eat: Wheat, Dairy, Caffeine, Alcohol, Processed Foods, Sugar, Chemical Additives, Plastics and plasticisers, xenoestrogens, heavy metals, ‘meds’ and antibiotics – so stick to Elimination Diet protocols. The most immediate impact on the Liver is controlling what goes IN to the system. Also avoid high fat diets including nuts and oils. Except Fish Oils which you should continue to have throughout the day.
While the Liver is under stress it’s best not to give it any more to do, so we need to do whatever we can to reduce the burden on the Liver.
- Stimulants especially Coffee and Green Tea.
- Overeating
- Eating too regularly (less is more for an upset Liver)
- Allergens/Reactive Foods (Wheat, Yeast, possibly Dairy
- Replenish the Liver with micronutrient rich diet. Try to get every Vitamin and Mineral especially B Vitamins and Magnesium.
- Choose easily digestible foods (not too much fat or fibre)
- Avoid Nuts/Seeds/Soya beans/Grains that have not been soaked and ideally semi-germinated as these are high in Phytic Acid, which binds to Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, and other minerals and removes them from our system. If we are deficient in these vital minerals then the Liver cannot do it’s primary job of detoxifying the system which eventually leads to numerous diseases.
- Reinforce the Liver with foods rich in Sulphur: Onions, Garlic, Leek, Radish, Watercress and Cruciferous Veg as well as Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Eggs, Fish, Kale, Legumes, Meats, Organ Meats, Poultry, Turnips.
These reinforce the Sulphation pathway which is responsible for the breakdown of Estrogens
- B Vitamins especially B6 and B12
- Magnesium
- Cystine (found in foods listed above but could additionally supplement if you like)
- Taurine (best source is fish especially Salmon and Cod – so will need to supplement if you stick to a predominantly vegetarian diet)
- Dandelion Root, Licorice Root and Turmeric (which helps stimulates bile and digestion)
We can also do our digestion a massive favour by correctly chewing our food so that it is already in a semi liquid form before it gets to our stomach.
As with all things instead of trying to ‘fix’ the symptoms or plugging the leaks (effect) it’s best to turn off the tap first or in other words treat the source (cause).
Unfortunately, there is no clear definitive time period on how long it takes for a dysfunctional Liver to get back to full function – it can take months but the good news is that the Liver is one of our organs that is able to regenerate itself if we give it what it needs.
Shai James is a level 1 coach at Dax Moy’s Islington
Personal Training Studio in London
Shai James is a level 1 coach at Dax Moy’s Islington
Personal Training Studio in London
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