Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sticking to the Elimination Diet when working away from home.

Firstly, hello to any new readers of my blog, due to the article I had in the Jersey Evening Post yesterday,   hope you find the information useful, especially if your looking to regain your health and lose some weight.
If you do start on the ED, You can start from day one on the blog and follow it as you go through your journey.
If you think you would be interested in starting, but need more advice, please feel free to contact me at
or add me on facebook
And remember you can download the Elimination Diet for free at

I look forward to hearing from you and hearing about your results.

Even though my 30 days are now up and I can start reintroducing foods from the banned list, if I wish too, but it's not compulsory, as you may feel you want to keep feeling as good as you are, or may feel your body needs more time to really start functioning correctly, especially if it was in a very bad state to start with.
As I said in a previous blog, I have decided to carry it on until next Friday, due to me being on a Strength and Conditioning course, next week, where I'll need all the benefits of the ED, to help my strength, endurance and recovery rates. I also thought it would be good to show you how I manage my diet, when away from my usual surroundings, where I know everywhere I can buy my food.

Travelling or working away can lead to a lot of problems for many people on the ED, so hopefully I can pass on some useful tips that may help you overcome these.

I will also be writing about my days training and how my body is coping with it.

My preparation has already started, making sure I have enough of my supplements  for the week and will have a banana omelette, before I leave so I'm not hungry at the airport or on the flight.

Craig :-)

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