Monday, February 4, 2013

Spring Clean your Body

Hey Everyone

Hope you had a great weekend and if you're joining me on this journey, you made it through, with no slip ups, although if you did slip up, don't let that put a halt to a healthier, leaner you.

Just start again, today or tomorrow, get back on the horse as it were.

I had a good weekend, which ended up with me 'spring cleaning' my  house.

A job which was long overdue, I may add (but them I am a guy ha ha)

This got me thinking about the Elimination Diet and the 30 day journey, which in essence is a spring clean for your body.

Let me explain

I had decided on Saturday night, I wasn't allowing myself to leave the house, until I had tidied all the mess, that had accumulated - discarded clothes on the floor, books, dvds out of their covers, laundry that hadn't been put away.
The whole house just felt cluttered, which definitely affects my sleep and just makes me feel uncomfortable being in the house.

Then dusting, hoovering, polishing, cleaning and mopping every room, plus laundering my bedding.

I woke up on Sunday, ready for action, prepared.

Once I had started, the task all of a sudden, became a little bit daunting, there seemed to be a lot more to do, than I had anticipated, I started by piling all my clothes on my bed, ready to sort, into proper piles and  laundry.
Very quickly it piled up, I started feeling a wee bit stressed, just leave it I thought, start another day, it can wait, all these thoughts crossed my mind.

But, I was determined, I had been moaning to myself all week about the mess, it was getting done.

So, on ward I went, half an hour or so later and the clothes were all folded and put away or in the utility room ready to wash, my bedding was in the washing machine too.

First step complete.
I was starting to feel better already.
Next stop - rubbish, again round ever room, sorting letters, old newspapers and magazines, anything lying about, either got bagged or filed.

After that the house was actually looking nearly minimalist ha ha, well compared to 1 hour before that.#

I was in full cleaning mode now, next up, dusting - 20 minutes - DONE, Cleaning Bathroom 30 minutes - DONE,  Hoovering - 30minutes - DONE, Mopping - 20 minutes - DONE, Bedding out the machine and hung up - 5 minutes - DONE

Job - DONE

Once I was cleaned and changed, I spent a great afternoon, browsing round Glasgow's West End, feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, then I had the joy of returning to a clean, fresh smelling house, with the added delight of sleeping in freshly cleaned bedding, a full nights peaceful sleep was had, the first time in at least a week. No clutter in my space or head.

So, why is this like the 30 day  ED journey ?

Lets look at the similarities and what you can help to make both tasks a success

1. Set a date for the cleaning to begin

2. I mentally prepared myself for the task ahead and made a plan of attack

3. Although it may seem daunting, looking at the BIG picture, if you break it down into little tasks (or days in ED case) and then do 1 step at a time

4. Having too much rubbish, lying around the house (your body) slows everything down, it takes longer to find things (digest foods)

5. It drains you physically, sapping your energy being surrounded by clutter (your gut, intestines, become sluggish and drained)

6. Once the cleaning begins, it may get worse before it gets better, making pile of clothes, before tidying away ( detox symptoms, headaches, flu like feelings)

7. It doesn't take long to start seeing (feeling) the benefits, the house starts to look tidier, cleaner (you start to feel more energetic, lighter)

8. The feeling of everything inside my house (body) being clean, rubbish free

9. Sleeping in a dirt, dust free bed, with no clutter leads to better, more peaceful sleep (  the same goes for your body, it's free to do all the proper tasks it has to do, while you are asleep, repair, regenerate)

10. Its very easy to maintain, once its done, you (your body) feel much better in that environment, so you want to keep that state of cleanliness.

So, this is why every now and then, we need to  have a serious 'spring clean' of the body, the rest of the time is simply keeping that cleansed environment, which is a little easier than the journey getting it.

Here is a great picture to help explain, what I mean by a cleansing diet

If you follow, a calorie or points adding, type 'diet' you aren't neccesarily removing all the toxic food from your diet, you're more than likely reducing the amount, but it's still 'allowed'
So you will never actually reached that 'clean state'

It's like if I had stopped after tidying my clothes and collecting all the rubbish, yes my house would've looked better, felt a bit cleaner, but it would still be dirty, dusty, but it would not pass a health check.

That's one of the major points of eating a clean diet, to above all, get you healthy, your internal environment.

Which has the added bonus of been an incredible way to lose body fat.

Your body, doesn't need or want to be carrying all the excess burden, the extra weight etc and I'm pretty sure you don't want to either, I know I don't.

So, hopefully that will make sense as to why, the Elimination Diet works  (in a round about way of explaining it) and why I highly recommend it, not just as a 30 day 'miracle diet' but as a lifestyle choice.

If you aren't already joining me on this journey, isn't it about time your body  had a 'spring clean'


Friday, February 1, 2013

First week - report

Hey Everyone
Sorry I have not been posting everyday, only have limited access at moment.

So, its Friday already, a day in which all the efforts of the first five days can be blown away, the dreaded weekend ha ha

Also I know a lot of you will be getting paid, for the first time this year and could be tempted to go for that after work drink or two, or order the take away for the house.

Try and focus on your WHY, the reason you started this journey, how you felt about your health and body shape, size etc.
Keep that focus, because I'll guarantee you will feel a whole lot worse, after you've had those few drinks or that take away, if it causes you to go back to that unhappy point.

I've no plans for this weekend, so its easier, to avoid any of the above, but as you may of gathered, I'm focused on my WHY and how I feel about my health and body now, plus I know how good I will feel in a few weeks, it is only another 3 weeks :-)

This week, I haven't had any of the detoxing symptoms I had last time, sore heads, flu like feelings, although I did feel a bit agitated the other day, which can be a sign.I might still get those symptoms though, so not counting my chickens yet, except at meal times ha ha

One of my main goals this week, was to keep my intake of water high (about 4 litres a day) this can really assist your body and liver flush out any toxins in your system.

I know I still haven't put up my photos and measurements yet, I haven't transferred them to computer, but I promise that will be done over the weekend.

Remember, it is on;y 4 weeks in total and you can enjoy the weekend, without bad food choices or alcohol.

Here is a link to the benefits of coconut oil, I was going to write one myself, but it would not of been as good as this, unless I copied and pasted it, but thats just cheating :-)


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I've started ! Plus two new tools to help you


Bet you thought, I'd slipped up or decided against starting my new plan !

Well, good news, I started yesterday, just never had time to get a post done, sorry :-(

As with a lot of changes you make, the first day is relatively easy, especially if you have prepared well for it.
The motivation, excitement and hopes for the forthcoming results, help ease you through those, potentially hard days.

As well as good preparation and the fact I have done this before, so know how good I will feel, I also have 2 new tools in box.

One is my own, a 30 day cook book, with 90 recipes in it, all ED compliant and all (obviously) delicious.
This is a really good tool to help you (and me) get out of the situation of sticking to the same 12 -15 foods, even though they are ED friendly, its good to get as much variety in your diet as possible, supplying your body with as many nutrients, minerals and vitamins etc as you can.

NOTE - This is the only thing I will actually advice you to take, that I will make money on, this isn't going to be a 'buy my stuff' blog. Anything else I tell you about, may cost you money, but I don't get any commission etc from them, its just what I think are the best in a particular supplement or book.

You can get a copy of my book here

The other tool, which is FREE (amazingly) is from two of my friends Ben Gray and Ben Coomber, two of the top trainers and fat loss, healthy lifestyle experts in the UK

They have got together to ditch all the B.S. (their words) that surrounds 'diets' and healthy eating, this 60 page e-book has EVERYTHING you need to know about regaining your health, dropping bodyfat and how to, not only achieve this, but maintain it, a must read

Get it here

I will get my measurements and photos up this week, as well, I really don't want to ha ha, but I will.

I also decided to do a BIG food shop for the week today, it consisted of Chicken, Salmon, green vegetables, spinach, rocket, water cress etc, rice, stir fry vegetables, hummus, avocados, eggs, probably covers most of it.
I also upped my water to about 3.5 -4 litres a day.

So that's about it so far, no headaches as yet.

More posts, will try to do it everyday from now on.

Hope you started off on the right foot too


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Some preparation tips, before starting your healthy lifestyle change

Top tips on getting started on the ED

Here is an excellent article from Dax Moy, creator of the Elimination Diet
Some very useful tips for helping you get off to the perfect start on the ED

Elimination Diet Day Zero: Preparation
Ok, so the fact that you’re here tells me that the ‘rules’ surrounding the Elimination Diet Plan haven’t put you off too badly.  
That means that you’re raring to go and are ready, willing and able to commit to the plan 100%, yes?  
 You ARE ready to commit 100% aren’t you?   

You see, this isn’t one of those ‘drop in- drop out’ kind of diets or one that allows for cheating during the program. You’re either on it or you’re not, there’s no in between. Detoxification simply doesn’t work that way.   This is a 30 day commitment to doing it right.   You up for that?   

If you are, then you need to think about preparing for the diet over the next day or two so that things aren’t overly difficult for you.   There’s not a lot you have to do to prepare but, without a doubt, if you don’t do these things you’ll run into problems later on.  
 So what are they? 

  Six things, just six.  
 1.Clear your cupboards, your fridge, your breadbin and anywhere else you store ‘banned’ foods at home.   This means you should have no wheat in any form (including breads, biscuits, rolls, crackers etc), no gluten containing foods, no dairy whatsoever, no caffeinated products like tea, coffee, cola etc, no alcohol, no processed foods or those containing additives and colourings, no sugar  (including agave, honey, brown sugar, molasses) and definitely no chocolate or candies which incorporate most of these ingredients in some form.   It’s important that you recognize the simple fact that if you own it, you’ll eat it. Remove them from the house altogether and they won’t get consumed. And hey, this doesn’t mean spending the next 2 days eating all of your stock of these items in some form of twisted ‘pre-tox’ either :)   

2. Stock up on plenty of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, fish, meat and poultry.   Ideally, these should be from organic sources as this will reduce the overall body burden of toxicity that pesticides, antibiotics and hormones place on your body, but if your budget is too tight to allow for organic then fresh foods well cleaned and prepared will still be better than the processed stuff you’ve probably been eating up til now.   (Realise though, that the results will be a good deal better on organics and also, that once you stop buying the processed foods, you’ll have a lot more left in your shopping budget too)   Make sure you get planty of sulphur containing foods that’ll help you to speed up the detox. Things like onions (esp. the red one), garlic, broccoli and other cruciferous veggies should feature highly in your shopping basket.   Stock up 3-4 days worth, no more. If you’re stocking foods longer than this, they’re no longer truly fresh, right?  

 3. Stock up on herbs and spices that’ll help make your meals more interesting so that you’re less likely to succumb to cravings through boredom.   Obviously, salt (sea salt) and pepper should feature highly but also include chili, paprika, turmeric, basil, thyme, coriander etc as well as any others you enjoy.   Being on the elimination diet doesn’t (and shouldn’t!) mean eating mean, flavourless foods. In fact, you’ll probably find that you enjoy food a lot more than you have in ages during the next 30 days.  

 4. Consider purchasing a few supplements to help you through the next 30 days.   You don’t have to have these but from my experience, you’ll accelerate your results faster and enjoy the process more if you do.   Think about taking Milk Thistle (to aid the detox process and stave off those detox nasties), Magnesium Citrate or Malatate (for improved hormonal balancing and detox), Zinc Citrate (for improved immune function during the 30 days) and Vitamin C for overall immune system function.   You may also want to think about the Ayurvedic supplements Ashwaghanda and Rhodiola which both help to lower cortisol and accelerate your fatloss naturally.   

5. Get some teas in.   Most people tend to drink a lot of caffeinated hot drinks in the form of tea and coffee and really miss these when they’re taken away.   This often leads to cravings, hunger pangs and, often, cheating on elements of the plan.   You can avoid this by planning ahead and getting some good tea varieties that are not only tasty but do the job of keeping those cravings at bay whilst at the same time supporting your health and improving results.   Think about getting the following teas:   Licorice tea – Taken in the morning and up til lunchtime only as it is a cortisol stimulant. Drinking it when cortisol is naturally rising is fine, but you want to avoid it later in the day when natural cortisol levels should be lowering.   The benefits of licorice tea include aiding digestion, reducing inflammation of the liver and reducing and treating headaches, all of which will be of use to you during the first days of the program.   Tulsi tea – Tulsi is another Ayurvedic herb more often known as ‘holy basil’ which has numerous medicinal and health applications that will benefit you massively over the next 30 days.   These include the assistance to digestion, aiding liver function, strengthening the immune system and assisting with recovery from physical and psychological stress.   As Tulsi has a cortisol lowering effect, it is best taken in the afternoon and evening to best match the natural hormonal cycle and aid in relaxation and deeper sleep.   (Note: it doesn’t cause drowsiness or lead to sleep, it just enhances your natural rhythm)   And, of course, you can also try various fruit and herbal teas too. Just make sure they’re naturally caffeine free.   

6. Get a waterbottle.   Ideally a ceramic or metal one but if it has to be plastic then a hard plastic bottle that is BPA free.   As a general rule, the softer the plastic (like most drinking water sold in supermarkets) the more they leach their chemicals into the water and the more xeno-estrogenic they are.   Xeno estrogens mimic naturally estrogen and can lead to fat gain, water retention, menstrual problems, fertility issues and much more.   Instead, use your water filter to pour fresh, filtered water into your own bottle as much as possible.   If you can’t do this then make sure you buy the hardest bottles from the store rather than the brand you like best.   Glass is the best bottle to drink from but this is less and less common to find nowadays.   So there you go.   Six simple steps that’ll make your transition into the Elimination Diet much easier and much more productive too.   It may seem a lot but remember, you’re expecting a lot by way of results from this program so a little time spent in preparation will be well worth it, right? 

 To your success!            

 Dax Moy   

I will be posting about the supplements, I'll be taking, if any, later this week. With links to the places I would say do the best value and quality.

I n some circumstances, awesome supplements aren't that expensive, but as with a lot of things, you get what you pay for,  some cheaper supplements can be a completer waste of time
As I'm not working at present, money comes into my equations. 
Which is why I'm also going to keep a running total of money I spend, over the 30 days on food.
As a lot of people think, you can't eat healthily and cheaply, so we'll see what happens there

aig :-) 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's back on !

Hey Everyone

I'm back, bigger (not in a good way, ha ha) and hopefully better than before !

I've decided, after a very long festive period of, little exercise, bad eating and a few beers, that I need to get back healthy and back into my clothes (no, I've not been naked for all that time, some are just a bit tight)!

So, the quickest, healthiest way I know to, lose bodyfat, gain energy and health is to follow the principles of Dax's Elimination Diet - download it FREE here
120 pages of amazing information, on foods, diets, why certain foods are banned or allowed, even if you are not going to join me on this, it's a must read. and FREE

Although 'elimination Diet' sounds a bit severe to some, it's basically, eating clean, healthy, natural foods, we were designed to eat and cutting out all, non food, foods as it were
So I will be cutting out
Processed food

I will be posting more on the reasons for each of these, in the coming weeks.
There will be no pints to add up, no calorie counting either, just eating as much as I want from the vast choice of foods available to me.

I have decided Monday 28th January (next Monday) will be my start date, which makes this week, preparation week, which in my eyes is as important as actually following the ED (Elimination Diet) Principles.

The days leading up to my start date are crucial, in the success of my change of habits, that's all my bad diet is, a habit, I have got into, its as easy to keep a good habit as it is a bad habit, that's what you need to believe.

So this week, for me, will be about focusing my head, that I'm going to start. Mindset, will help me through the first week, especially, after that habit will keep me going.

Also this week, I will get rid of all the bad foods, temptations, in my household cupboards etc, if it's not there I can't eat it.

I will also be making changes to my diet, cutting out a lot of the things, I will be eliminating anyway, but without the pressure of 'having' to do it and not beating myself up, if I slip this week.

This preparation work, is something a lot of people, don't consider, when changing nutritional, or any other lifestyle habits and then fail at their attempts to change, just through unexpected or unprepared for circumstances.

Later on this week, I will also post, my 'before' photos and measurements etc, which believe me, I really don't want to do, but again, it will help me stick to my plan.

I am hoping a few people will join me on this journey and I will be on hand to help anyone, that wants to join me.
Whether that be publicly or privately, just let me know, some find the accountability of  standing up and telling people what your doing, a great incentive, others a burden.

So I look forward to you following me on my journey, whether, just by reading this blog or changing your own eating habits.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Craig :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update and final message from Clients two week trial


Here is the last message I received from my client, after she had finished her two week trial.

Please note, to get the full health benefits and to give your body a proper chance to start functioning correctly, I would always advice doing the full 30 days. My client in this instance, is unable to continue it for 30 days, but will be starting the full 30 days, very shortly.

Morning Mr Lowe. Promised you a 2 week (exactly) tally of weight loss - and I can report this morning exactly 2 weeks after I began the ED I have lost 12 lb . Still smiling, still chuffed and let see what one week 'off' the ED holds !

So an incredible, 12lbs in just two weeks, amazing, don't you think ?

If you are thinking this is an unhealthy amount to lose in such or short time, or believe she must be under eating and/or overtraining, you couldn't be further from the truth.

Your body does not want or need to carry excess bodyfat around with it, so when you start eating correctly and giving your body the variety and quality of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that come with that.
Plus not putting it under excessive strain, by feeding it highly processed foods and sugars etc, it has the chance to use its energies on processing and eliminating this bodyfat and it will do this as quickly as it can, hence the fantastic figures we see above.

Not only do you start to lose bodyfat like never before, but you will also feel energetic and alive all day long, no more mid afternoon energy slumps.
Eat as much of the foods from the allowed list as you want, there is no calorie counting or points to add up.
Training wise, my client didn't do anymore than she would normally for the two weeks, but during the 30 days, you can expect to train better, due to your weightloss, higher  energy levels and your body functioning more efficiently, so you will last longer, recover quicker and naturally want to work harder or longer.

There is nothing to stop you, having a two week story like my clients, only difference is you can keep doing it for the full 30 days, believe me, its seems daunting looking forward, but the results will speak for themselves.
Then you'll never look back.

Download it for free here

Craig :-)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Clients, Two week Elimination Diet Messages

One of my clients, decided to try out the Elimination Diet for two weeks before she travelled to Glastonbury.

Here are some of the messages I received from her during those two weeks.

Mr Lowe, am trying the ED for the next couple of weeks (until Glastonbury) - only day one and although I thought I ate carefully I have a splitting headache (but could be due to bad day at work)
 plus is there anything I can drink - I'm trying herbal infusions but need something to sweeten them with and for cold drinks I detest water - so really really struggled today, and ended up necking water/infusions just to make sure I drank .... can you help ..... this is going to be a lot harder than I first thought !
     Day two was quite tough too, although more in my mindset as I seem to have lost the ability to be creative with food ..... and salad seems to be a staple at the moment, but get more creative. Went to Zumba tonight and it seemed much tougher than normal hoping it's temporary and the spring is back in my step soon. Had to turn down my pal tonight for dinner next week, as can;t cope with eating out and ED - how sad is that but it's only for two weeks

    Hi Craig, easier day today, and headaches have gone, Not had the burst of energy yet, and cannot sleep, but hopefully that will settle down. I re-read the plan again today and realised a lot more was allowed- like a couple of nuts/seeds as a snack, which I didn;t realise, and small amount of organic olive oil (not that I'll probably use it) but just nice to know it's available. (silly as that may seem). May try soaking a few pulses over the weekend and doing something with black beans and veg.... fish and green veg for dinner and it tasted fab, but couldn't finish it - what's happened ? Thanks for your text today, much appreciated.

    Craig - you were right - Friday came along with the energy. Feeling especially good as just had 4 girls round for the night - stuck to water to drink .... layed out a spread to eat, but made sure there was a big salad, had made a veg spanish omelette with free range eggs and strawberries for desert - they all tucked into the 'bad' stuff, and I didn;t touch a bit. and the better news is I stood on the scales this morning and nearly fell off the other side - will update next week pre Glastonbury when I break the ED - but have decided I'm going back on it when I get back, and at some stage will do the whole 31 days

    Craig. Thank you asking. Still not fallen off the wagon, and feel good, although the weight loss seems to have stopped for a couple of days .... to be expected me thinks. I made black bean and bnut squash stew last night (soaking the black beans for 24 hours first) and it's trout with beg tonight. As you know I'm at Glasto from Monday so am going to break it at the weekend - as don't want the first non ED mel to be at Glasto with dodgy toilets ...... and I am defiantely going back on it when I get back. It is tough , really tough but worth it. I struggle with going out, and drinking still (Roobis tea with a slice of lemon seems to keep me going) and I'm lacking real energy when exercising and I don't know why. So need to sort the lack of extra energy out and it'll be easier I reckon

    Thanks Craig, that would be good. May even come back to the gym

    Craig. ED report. After 11 days on the ED I can report .... wait for it... a weight loss of ........... 10lb. How the bloody hell did that happen. Amazing stuff. I am now at the goal I set myself for Glastonbury this year back in March, so am one happy bunny, and so many people have commented. Busy weekend coming up but am going to stick to it where ever possible, and am going to try to bin the sweeteners in the tea once and for all. I don't even fancy anything 'bad' at the moment which is a miracle. Just need to cure the lack of energy when exercising and hey presto. Have a 3 hour Zumba marathon tomorrow night so need some energy fast ... after the last 11 days it's a no brainer not to go back onto ED when I get back and see how I get on !!!!! Thank you again for your help from a very smiley …….

    A very good example of the emotions you could go through on your ED journey, she is going to do the full 30 days, when she returns, I will update you on her progress 

    Craig :-)