Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Eight and Breakfast

First day of second week, already hopefully if you doing this at the same time you made it through your first weekend, unscathed ?
Really starting to notice, how constant my energy levels are staying from the moment I wake up until I get near bedtime, none of these mid morning or afternoon food comas, cause by bad breakfast or lunch choices.

Which nicely brings me onto breakfast cereals, one of the top questions I get asked is "but what can I have for breakfast ?"
Now if I'm at home I like to have a banana omelette, a firm favourite amongst Personal Trainers, 1 banana, 2 or 3 eggs, cinnamon , mash up banana, mix in eggs and cinnamon, cook in frying pan, with preferably coconut oil (one of the few oils, that keeps its nutrient content when heated) and cook as you would a normal omelette, you can even add in some spinach at last minute. Tastes a lot better than you think.

If I'm not in the house, but at the gym, it'll probably be a salad of some sort, (made the night before) usually with boiled eggs and a mix of vegetable, plenty green leaf, spinach etc, then maybe some fruit usually a mix of berries.

Now this is where people start to look at me as though I'm crazy, salad for breakfast ??? "Surely your meant to have cornflakes or muesli, thats healthy, is it not ?" thats if they eat anything at all.
Firstly you need to stop looking at it as breakfast, instead look at it as your first meal and as everyone knows, the most important meal of the day, and to some extent this is true, as it can set you up for the rest of your days food choices.

Apart from the fact, there on the banned list along with dairy, if your following the Elimination Diet, this gives you the ideal chance to try some new things, just don't skip it, there are a few other important reasons you should give cereals a miss evry morning, not just when your on Elimination Diet, so here goes
I'll start with this

Did you know, the Iron in your 'fortified' cornflakes is actual Iron filings, which are obviously totally unusable by your body, don't believe me ? put some cornflakes in a blender, add some water, put them in a bag and drag a magnet around it, see what appears, or just look it up on youtube.

With the high glycaemic index, you find you get an high insulin spike, just after eating your cereal, then a major down shortly after, always hungry mid morning ? get craving for sweet things ? Now you know why.
And all you have to do, with your so called healthy Muesli, is look at the nutritional label on the side, usually high sugars (yes, some of it from fruit), again giving you that sugar craving later in the day, low nutrition, oats which recent studies have shown, some people can have an intolerance to, without knowing it, again one of the benefits of ED, you'll certainly know, when you reintroduce them.

I could go on about this forever, but I hope your getting the jist of it, if you want me to go into more depth, leave a comment and I will do a whole blog on it.
With a healthy green leaf, protein, mixed vegetables, mixed fruit breakfast, your giving your body the perfect tools to kick start its metabolism, fed all its cells with the nutrients they require, without setting off the hungry signals an hour later, then when lunchtime comes you'll be ready to stick to the good start you've made in the morning, no craving rubbish.

Anyway, back to Day 8 !!!
Got a training session in this morning, chest, which was god as I haven't been able to do any chest for 4 months, with some mystery injury, feels good to get back to that, then in the afternoon (4ish) after being sat in front of computer working all afternoon (god knows how you office guys do it) and after yesterdays success, I took my self out for another 30min, aerobic run, to get the oxygen back into my body.

Also weighed myself today, every Monday, but decided not to publish it yet, as this isn't about weightloss, its about reclaiming your health. I will keep a note and after the 30 days, put them up, whether I've lost, gained or stayed the same.

Craig :-)

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